Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Flowers & Fruit

Last Friday, as you stepped off the elevator and on to our floor, the smell of fresh fragrant lilies filled the air. Co-workers were amused, some were intrigued and others just couldn't resist stopping by my cubicle to say hello, as they followed their nose all the way to the absolutely gorgeous flowers that I received from my loving husband for our anniversary. It's been an amazing four years for us, he still looks at me with pure love and adoration in his eyes and I still look at him and wonder if he's remembered to put the toilet seat down. ;)

In more ways than one, it's as if we're still newlyweds and I love him, and my life with him, dearly.

Happy Flowers and Fruit anniversary. :)


Blogger celtic_kitten said...

Oh wow. How much do I suck? Happy belated Anniversary, you two! *hugs*

7:23 PM

Blogger Michelle Hopp said...

Hey kiddo! I actually suck worse than you do, I've been meaning to get in touch with you for us to get together! When are you back from KW?

8:21 PM

Blogger celtic_kitten said...

We're baaaaaaack ;)

6:08 AM

Blogger Michelle Hopp said...

Great! I'll email you. :)

12:22 PM


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